- Stitch era universal update#
- Stitch era universal software#
This will only work with pictures that have reduced colors.
Click on the Autotrace button (to left). However, we chose to work with autotrace, a procedure that also will insert the necessary entry and exit points. You now could manually trace areas to be stitched and also manually define entry points, exit points and stitch direction. You can later tune each section that you created, either through the ribbon panel or the object inspector. If you don't do this, all your sections might sort of look yellow for CMY-1. Move both From and To a bit to the right. To the right of the same tab you can adjust color contrast:. Stitch Era will then use different amounts of C-M-Y thread for each digitized section. "1" stands for the order of printing, i.e. In our example, we used Cyan, Magenta and Yellow, more precisely CMY 1. various variants of black and white, C-M-Y, or C-M-Y-black. In the very left of the Area fill tab you can select the color model, i.e. Import the picture and open the photo-stitch tool as explained above and (optionally define some settings: you could photo-stitch a background and then do the rest "normally". Of course you may combine photo-stitch with other digitizing. I don't know if the tool was meant for that, but you can do it anyhow. Instead of creating a single photo-stitch for a picture you also could photo-stitch individual areas. (this section needs to be updated from Stitch Era 11 or just be killed. Parametrize a photo stitch era - Border line 4 Photostitching areas EMBROIDERY tab, select Art to Stitch -> Image to Photo-Stitch. Select the picture, then enter photo stitching I suggest playing with contrast, saturation and brightness. In particular make sure that the foreground stands out as well as distinctive features of the foreground In a first step, try to enhance contrasts. the object and its features to be identified in an embroidery) should well stand out.ģ Procedure for creating a medaillon 3.1 Enhance contrasts Smaller will not work (there should be at least 5 pixels / mm) and bigger will run out of memory. Its size should be between 10cm (1000px width) and 16cm (1600px width). Ideally, colors of image sections should be solid and therefore it's a good idea to reduce colors. The picture should have good contrasts. This procedure only works with a certain type of pictures Stitch era universal update#
Quality and level Rough draft ! Last major update Oct 2017. In the wiki, click on picture to make it larger, then click again and save it. Stitch Era - creating embroidery from raster images Related pages none Materials You can reuse the pictures.
Stitch era universal software#
Tutorial home page Stitch Era embroidery software Learning goals Be able to select and prepare a photo-stitchable image Translate a picture Prerequisites Stitch Era embroidery software (in particular be able to create a new design).